Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Does Anyone Know How to Study?

Do you know what I hate more than anything? Studying. Quizzes, Tests, Exam, you name it. I dread nothing more than studying.  Some of you might be pondering saying, "Hate, that's a strong word. Why do you hate studying?"  Well to answer that question: I hate studying because I am terribly bad at studying.

Even though I do not like studying, I still have to in order to maintain good grades in school. My way to dealing with that is to find the perfect study strategy for my learning style. I am always looking for new study techniques, strategies and skills to help me become better at studying. As a visual and kinesthetic learner, I need to make sure I am using study methods that fall in that direction.

Here is a list of affective way to study :
- Go through all of your notes and high light the main topics on test
- Go through main topics and highlight key details a different color
- Quizlet
- Create test like questions and answer them.
- Watch Videos on topics
- Teach topic to friend, parent or pet.
- Rewrite notes
- Draw diagrams

Let's be honest, students study more in class than in our free time. Teachers should make some class time to study as a class; that way everyone can get their questions asked. There are some fun study methods that teachers and use in class to prepare the class for an upcoming quiz, test or even exam.

Study Idea Number One: Jeopardy

A classic. This is an interactive way for students to study the material for the upcoming test. Each category is a unit from the material on the test. Split the class into teams of 4. Using the rules of normal Jeopardy. After every question is answered, the team with the most points at the end win. This is method can be used in any subject. Teacher can use a variety of different questions. As a future teacher, I would make the questions in my Jeopardy game, the same question I would put on the test.

Study Idea Number Two: Speed Dating
This is a technique my history teacher used. It is my favorite study method. Let me set the scene for you: You are taking US History: 1945- Present. It's the end of the year. The final exam is cumulative.
 *As the teacher*
Step 1: Assign each student a Unit that you discussed throughout the year. They should pick one they are not that familiar with.
Step 2: Tell them to become experts on that Unit.
Step 3: Arrange the class room as so:

Step 4: Tell each student to take a seat. Each person is going to have 3 minutes to tell their "date" everything about their Unit.
Step 5: 6 minutes (3 minutes per person), rotate to the left. Once everyone is back to the where they started the Speed Date Game is done.
Step 7: Everyone has met with everyone. So person 1 what they learned about person 3. so on and so worth.


Monday, April 11, 2016

Its That Time of Year Again


Prom can be defined as "a formal dance, especially one held by a class in high school at the end of a year." Prom night is nothing short of one of my favorite high school memories. Everything about it made my heart completely happy. I was lucky enough to go to two proms; even though I never went to my own high school prom, it was perfect. There are many parts that come to putting together an unforgettable prom night including to the date, the dress and the atmosphere.

The Date:
The person who you go to prom with is no small thing. The person not only attends prom with you but they get to have that experience of prom with you. Most people can tell you who they took to prom. It is a special night that is a high school milestone. For example, I got to attend prom twice with my boyfriend at the time, Josh. It was the most memorable night because we made the most of it. He was the perfect gentleman.  Recently the expectations for getting asked in a unique has increasingly grown more extreme year after year. Boy find themselves asking girls to prom in creative ways because of the immense pressure of the promposal standard. They are called "promposals." Here is an example a cute "promposal."

The Dress:
For girls, the dress is one of the most important aspects. It describes and captures you as a young adult. It is an opportunity to dress in a beautiful gown. For example, my first prom dress was a perfect description of who I am as a person. To feel that elegant and beautiful at that age is so important. To feel that way in high school on a normal day can sometimes be uncommon. Mary Lambert once said, "Just because you're not thin does not mean you're ugly. You are beautiful because of the light you carry inside you. You are beautiful because you say you are, and you hold yourself that way." Feeling elegant, comfortable and yourself has to be one of the best feelings.

The Atmosphere:
 The venue, lights, music and attitude is what makes the actual prom experience awesome. Everything leading up to prom is nothing compare to stepping into the hall or ballroom. It feels magical.  For example, Josh went to an all boy private. At his prom, I didn't know anyone else there except him and a couple of his friends. I wouldn't have wanted it any other way. It made it more special. We danced all night to music that made you never want to stop.

All and all, prom is a memorable milestone in high school.


Whatta Classic


" 'Classic' - a book which people praise and don't read." - Mark Twain

According to Ester Lombardi, the definition of a classic novel can be interrupted as :
  • "A classic usually expresses some artistic quality--an expression of life, truth, and beauty."
  • "A classic has a certain universal appeal...because they [incorporate] themes that are [can be] understood by ... a wide range of backgrounds and levels of experience. "
  • "A classic makes connections... this is partly related to the universal appeal of a classic. But, the classic also is informed by the history of ideas and literature...."

    As an English major, I really hope to one day be an English teacher in High School. As an English teacher, I would want to have my students read the following classics: The Old Man and The Sea, The Great Gatsby, Of Mice and Men, and Catcher in the Rye. When I was in high school, my teachers made a point of how important reading the classics are. I originally was not a fan of reading classics because I didn't find interest in them. However, after reading Catcher in the Rye my freshman year, I realized how interesting and thought provoking they can be.

    There are certain teaching techniques for each of these novels that are interactive, fun, and creative. As a guinea pig for these techniques, and a kinesthetic learner, I knew this would help me understand the text. My favorite novel I read in high school was The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald. Using creative and hands on activities made it easier to understand the intense drama.

    Technique Number One: Music
    Assignment: Create an Album that goes along with the novel. The songs should describe the characters emotions and actions. The Album must include 8-10 songs; 2 of which must be instrumental only. You must also Design an album cover.


    Technique Number Two: Acting

    Assignment: Pick a scene in the novel from the given list. In groups of 2- 4, create a screenplay, which must printed and handed in 3 days before presentation. Everyone must have a role. Additionally, the scene will presented in class. It must be a minimum of 3 minutes and a maximum of 5 minutes (Note: I will be keeping time).Groups will be given extra points for creativity (costumes, music, props, etc.).

    Technique Number Three: Photographs
    Assignment: After creating a brainstorm about characteristics of each character, pick your favorite character. You must create a photograph of that character. (For example, If I chose Daisy Buchcanan, I would dress up in 20's attire  and take a photograph. I would edit the photo to make it look like it was taken in the 20's.)You may work individually or in groups of 2.

    Technique Number Four: Movie Poster

    Assignment: The classic novel is becoming a movie! the Director put you in charge of creating a unique and eye catching poster for the novel. The poster must include a promo line, the actor and actresses names, the title, and the release date. 





    Sunday, April 10, 2016

    Did you know? According to the Bully Statistics Organization:
  • About 42 percent of kids have been bullied while online with one in four being verbally attacked more than once.
  • About 35 percent of kids have been threatened online.
  • About 58 percent of kids and teens have reported that something mean has been said about them or to them online.
  • Other bullying statistics show that about 77 percent of students have admitted to being the victim of one type of bullying or another.
  • The American Justice Department bullying statistics show that one out of ever 4 kids will be bullied sometime throughout their adolescence.
  • 46 percent of males followed by 26 percent of females have admitted to being victims in physical fights as reported in one report of bullying statistics by the Bureau of Justice School.

  • Who takes part in bullying: The Bully, the Bystander, or the Victim. According to the Oxford Dictionary a bully, bystander and victim can be defined as:

    Bully: "a person who uses strength or power to harm or intimidate those who are weaker"

    Bystander: "a person who is present at an event or incident but does not take part"

    Victim: "a person harmed, injured, or killed as a result of a crime, accident, or other event or action"

    Bullying is something that has exponentially grown throughout recent years. Because of the rapid increase in bullying incidents, school systems, teachers, lawmakers, and parents are taking it more seriously. Consequences have become more serious because of how severe the bullying has become. 

    There are many different types of bullying: Verbal bullying, Social Bullying, Cyber Bullying and Physical Bullying. Bullying can take place anywhere from in school, on the bus, and at home through a computer screen.

    -Inappropriate sexual comments
    -Threatening to cause harm
    -Leaving someone out on purpose
    -Telling other children not to be friends with someone
    -Spreading rumors
    -Embarrassing someone in public
    -Taking or breaking someone’s things
    -Making mean or rude hand gestures

    Cyberbullying is different than all the other types of bullying. It takes place 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Day or night, victims can be attacked when they are in a group or alone. Another thing that makes cyberbullying different from other types is, "... messages and images can be posted anonymously and distributed quickly to a very wide audience. It can be difficult and sometimes impossible to trace the source."

    Throughout the years, Cyberbullying has become more the most harmful to its victims. Cyberbullying leaves countless effects on its victims. Victims of cyberbully and any other type of bullying may:miss, skip or drop out of school, receive poor grades, have lower self-esteem,use alcohol and drugs, depression and potentially attempt to injure themselves.

    This is a edit from the movie Cyberbully. The film not only captures every effect of what can come from cyberbullying but shows how emotionally draining it can be. For those who have been bullying, please note that this will be a trigger. A trigger is a term used by therapist; it means that people who have been in a similar state might feel those emotions again.

    Bullying can be prevented. It can be prevented at school and home by using consequences, policies, and family education. For example, "As of September, 2009, most states have bullying laws. Bullying laws do not exist, however, in Alabama, the District of Columbia, Hawaii, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wisconsin." New Anti Bullying Laws "provides for the training of public school staff in addressing bullying, intimidation, and harassment, as well as in suicide prevention."