Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Public vs Private Schools

Public vs. Private

When parents and their teens are trying to decide what high school to attend, there is a lot to consider. Cost, curriculum and social environment are just a few of the many considerations when deciding whether public or private school would be better fit. The differences between Public and Private schools may seem endless; however, both have their own list of benefits.


  1. No Tuition
  2. Common Public Education
  3. Federal Funding
  4. Teacher Pay Better 

    1. Scholarships that help with Tuition
    2. Freedom of Curriculum
    3. More control over Class/School size
    4. Selective Admissions

Social Scene is critical to consider when picking a high school. According to Niche, and the Bureau of Justice Statistics, more private school student reported feeling more accepted for who they are. It was said that, "Private schools could skew as 'more accepting' since most students come from less diverse backgrounds, so they measure tolerance and acceptance on a smaller scale."

Additionally, it was found that there were more cliques in Public schools. According to The Niche, "This could be because private schools have smaller class sizes, which means there are fewer social groups that form, whereas public schools, with their larger class sizes, breed more social circles."

Bullying Report Card

With the new Anti Bullying Policy, it was found that private school students were more likely to report bullying. "This could be because private schools are typically smaller with more funding, whereas public schools are larger with a less focused allocation of resources," was stated the Niche.

Even though socially private school looking statistically more appealing, 1 in 10 students choice to attend private schools. No matter what school, students are vulnerable to bullying. However, there is different atmosphere presented in public and privates schools.

Bullying Report Card

“In school we learn that mistakes are bad, and we are punished for making them. Yet, if you look at the way humans are designed to learn, we learn by making mistakes. We learn to walk by falling down. If we never fell down, we would never walk,” was written by Robert T. Kiyosaki. Life is about taking chances and making mistakes. When students are choosing where to take their education, whether to private or public, it is important that they understand all the options available to them. Students can learn more about high school planning by watching the video below:


Everyone’s high school experience is difference; Every road has their up and downs. Even though there are a ton of online statistics, I am interested in learning more about what high school was for you. Statistics are just numbers; I want more details of what it is really like for you. Please feel free to share your experience with me by filling out my Online Survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/XFZGSJK


At the end of the day, it is extremely important that students are properly placed in the environment where they will be most successful. Nothing is better than being placed in a school that absolutely perfect for you. Whether you are deciding private or public school, make sure the school is ideal for you in everyway.



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